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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
nadający się do ponownego przetworzenia recyclability (Characteristic of materials that still have useful physical or chemical properties after serving their original purpose and that can, therefore, be reused or remanufactured into additional products)
nadmiar surplus
nadmierna wysokość kominów excessive height of chimney stacks
nadmierne użytkowanie overexploitation (The use of raw materials excessively without considering the long-term ecological impacts of such use)
nadzór budowlany supervision of building works (The oversight or direction in the construction and maintenance of houses, facilities, offices and other structures)
nadzwyczajne zagrożenie środowiska incidental pollution (Pollution caused by oil spills, by the accidental release of radioactive substances, by the immission in water bodies or in the atmosphere of chemical substances deriving from industrial activities)
nagozalążkowe gymnosperm
nagroda za działania na rzecz ochrony środowiska antipollution premium (A prize or bonus given as an inducement or reward for efforts to reduce the presence of pollution or substances in the environment deemed harmful to human health or natural resources)
nagromadzenie zapasów stocking (To keep a supply accumulated for future use, term mainly used for goods)
najlepsza dostępna technika best available techniques
najlepsza dostępna technika best technical means available
najlepsze praktyki zarządzania środowiskowego best environmental management practice
najnowsza technologia state of the art (Everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral description, by use or in any other way before the date of the patent application, or an application filed in a foreign country the priority of which is validly claimed)
nakładanie obrazów image registration (The process of linking map coordinates to control points with known earth-surface coordinates. Related term: coordinate systems)
namorzyn mangrove
napędzany aerozolem propellant (A gas used in aerosol preparations to expel the liquid contents through an atomizer)
napięcie powierzchniowe surface tension (The force acting on the surface of a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface; quantitatively, the force that appears to act across a line of unit length on the surface. Also known as interfacial force; interfacial tension; surface intensity)
napój beverage (Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water)
napowietrzanie water aeration
napowietrzanie aeration