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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
drewno posuszowe dead wood
drewno posuszowe deadwood
drób poultry (Domesticated fowl grown for their meat and eggs)
drobnoustrój micro-organism
droga route
droga traffic route
droga dojazdowa access road (Any street or narrow stretch of paved surface that leads to a specific destination, such as a main highway)
droga główna trunk road (A main road, especially one that is suitable for heavy vehicles)
drogi krążenia pestycydów w środowisku pesticide pathway (The specific or known route or vector of any chemical substance released into the environment to prevent, destroy or mitigate any pest that is directly or indirectly detrimental to harvest crops and other human interests)
drogi oddechowe respiratory tract (The structures and passages involved with intake, expulsion, and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vertebrate body)
drogi przemieszczanie się zanieczyszczeń pollutant pathway (The retraceable route of a pollutant, from its source, through its interactions with the environment, and finally to its effect upon a target ecosystem or target organisms)
drogi wodne public waterways domain (Rivers, canals and lakes owned by the state as opposed to individuals or corporations)
drożdże yeast
drugi stopień oczyszczania secondary treatment (Stage of the process of waste water treatment: following primary treatment by sedimentation, the second step in most wastewater systems in which biological organisms decompose most of the organic matter into a innocuous, stable form)
drzewa iglaste coniferous tree
drzewo tree (Any large woody perennial plant with a distinct trunk giving rise to branches or leaves at some distance from the ground)
drzewo liściaste broad-leaved tree (Deciduous tree which has wide leaves, as opposed to the needles on conifers)
drzewo liściaste deciduous tree (Tree losing its leaves in autumn and growing new ones in the spring)
drzewo owocowe fruit tree (Any tree that bears edible fruit)
drzewostan forest stand