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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
wypalanie kontrolowane controlled burning (The planned use of carefully controlled fire to accomplish predetermined management goals. The burn is set under a combination of weather, fuel moisture, soil moisture, and fuel arrangement conditions that allow the management objectives to be attained, and yet confine the fire to the planned area)
wypalenie burnout
wypas nadmierny overgrazing (Intensive grazing by animals, for example cattle, sheep or goats, on an area of pasture. It has become a serious threat to the world's rangelands and grasslands. Several factors have led to overgrazing, which leads to the soil being degraded and becoming liable to erosion by wind and rain, and even to desertification. The main pressures leading to widespread overgrazing have been the need to increase the size and numbers of herds to produce more food for an increasing human population, and the transformation of traditional pasture land into plantations to grow cash crops. Throughout the dry tropics, where traditionally herds ranged over vast areas, intensive livestock-rearing schemes have taken over, mostly to provide meat for the export market. Well-digging operations have also led to heavy concentrations of animals in small areas)
wypełniacz filling material
wypełnianie wyrobisk kopalnianych mine filling (Filling of disused mines with soil, crushed stone, or waste materials in order to restore the geological, agricultural and landscape features of the concerned area)
wypoczynek leisure time
wypoczynek recreation
wypoczynek use of leisure time
wyposażenie zakładu plant equipment (The equipment, including machinery, tools, instruments, and fixtures necessary for an industrial or manufacturing operation)
wypożyczanie dokumentów document lending (The service provided by a library in which the library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials outside the library)
wypożyczenia międzybiblioteczne inter-library loan (The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of libraries)
wyrąb cutting
wyrób drewniany wood product (No definition needed)
wyrób mleczarski dairy product
wyrób syntetyczny synthetic material (Material made artificially by chemical reaction)
wyrobisko excavated hole
wyroby gospodarstwa domowego household goods (Goods needed for living in a household)
wyroby niebezpieczne dangerous goods (Goods or products that are full of hazards or risks when used, transported, etc.)
wyrok order
wyrok judgement