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Terms for subject Environment (6533 entries)
consum final de energie final energy consumption
consum primar de energie primary energy consumption (Consumption of energy used in the same form as in its naturally occurring state, for example crude oil, coal, natural gas, e.g. before it is converted into electricity)
consumarea peisajului landscape consumption (Using parts of landscape in a way that heavily modifies its features, using parts of landscape strongly modifying its character with lost of landscape original character)
cont central de compensare ETS ETS central clearing account
cont de anulare cancellation account
cont de depozit holding account
cont de depozit de AAU al ETS ETS AAU deposit account
cont de depozit de tranzit gateway deposit account
cont de depozit pentru platforma de tranzacționare trading platform holding account
cont de depozit personal person holding account
cont de retragere retirement account
cont național de depozit de certificate national allowance holding account
cont pentru verificator verifier account
cont satelit satellite account (A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial records)
contabilitate bookkeeping (The art or science of recording business accounts and transactions)
contabilitate accounting (Method of recording all the transactions affecting the financial condition of a business or organization)
contabilitate a mediului environmental accounting
contabilitate ecologică ecological bookkeeping (The systematic accounting or recordkeeping of a company's impact on the environment or its progress towards environmentally sound business practices)
contabilitate naţională national accounting (Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economy)
contabilitate naţională a mediului national environmental accounting (The collection and processing of financial information regarding the costs for ecological challenges or opportunities for nations or countries)