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Terms for subject General (9961 entries)
clauză de rendez-vous rendez-vous clause
clauză de solidaritate solidarity clause
Clean Sky Clean Sky Joint Undertaking
Clean Sky Clean Sky Undertaking
Clean Sky Clean Sky JU
Clean Sky Clean Sky
Clean Sky Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative
Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative on Clean Sky
Clean Sky Clean Sky JTI
clientelism patronage
clientelism politic patronage
Clipperton Clipperton Island
Clipperton Clipperton
clorurare chlorination
Cod comunitar privind regimul de trecere a frontierelor de către persoane Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders
Cod comunitar privind regimul de trecere a frontierelor de către persoane Schengen Borders Code
cod ISIN international securities identification number
cod ISIN international security identification number
Codul de conduită al UE privind complementaritatea și diviziunea muncii în politica de dezvoltare EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy
Codul de conduită de la Haga împotriva proliferării rachetelor balistice Hague Code of Conduct