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Terms for subject Environment (7011 entries)
purificare fizico-chimică physicochemical purification (Used to concentrate waste brines and to remove solid organics and ammonia from aqueous solutions. Physical treatment consists of reverse osmosis, dialysis, electrodialysis, evaporation, carbon, adsorption, ammonia stripping, filtration, sedimentation, and flocculation. Chemical treatment consists of ion exchange, neutralization, oxidation, reduction, precipitation, and calcination)
purificare prin sol purification through the soil (The act or process in which a section of the ground is freed from pollution or any type of contamination, often through natural processes)
purină purin (Any of a number of nitrogenous bases, such as guanine and adenine, that are derivatives of purine and constituents of nucleic acids and certain coenzymes)
purtător de date data carrier (A medium on which data can be recorded, and which is usually easily transportable, such as cards, tape, paper, or disks)
puţ well (A hole dug into the earth to reach a supply of water, oil, brine or gas)
puţ de apă water well (A well sunk to extract water from a zone of saturation)
putere politică political power (The might, ability or authority of governments, citizens groups and other interested parties in enacting change or in influencing or controlling the outcome of governmental or public policies affecting a nation, region or municipality)
putere poliţienească police power
putere purificatoare purifying power (Regenerative capacity of a system, of soils, water, etc.)
putere termică nominală rated thermal input
răcire cooling (Setting aside a highly radioactive material until the radioactivity has diminished to a desired level)
răcirea clădirilor cooling of buildings
rădăcină root (The absorbing and anchoring organ of a vascular plant; it bears neither leaves nor flowers and is usually subterranean)
radar radar (A system using beamed and reflected radiofrequency energy for detecting and locating objects, measuring distance or altitude, navigating, homing, bombing and other purposes)
radiaţie radiation (Emission of any rays from either natural or man-made origins, such as radio waves, the sun's rays, medical X-rays and the fall-out and nuclear wastes produced by nuclear weapons and nuclear energy production. Radiation is usually divided between non-ionizing radiation, such as thermal radiation (heat) and light, and nuclear radiation. Non-ionizing radiation includes ultraviolet radiation from the sun which, although it can damage cells and tissues, does not involve the ionization events of nuclear radiation)
radiaţie alfa alpha radiation (A stream of alpha particles which are ejected from many radioactive substances having a penetrating power of a few cm in air but can be stopped by a thin piece of paper)
radiaţie beta beta radiation (Name given to the ionizing radiation which is produced as a stream of high speed electrons emitted by certain types of radioactive substance when they decay. The intensity of radiation energy produced in human tissue by a beta particle is a hundred times less than that produced by an alpha radiation particle, but it travels slightly deeper into tissue)
radiaţie cosmică cosmic radiation (Radiations consisting of atomic nuclei, especially protons, of very high energy that reach the earth from outer space. Some cosmic radiations are very energetic and are able to penetrate a mile or more into the Earth)
radiaţie de fond background radiation (Radiation resulting from natural sources, as opposed to man-made sources, and to which people are exposed in everyday, normal life; for example from rocks and soil)
radiaţie gamma gamma radiation (Radiation of gamma rays)