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Terms for subject Environment (6533 entries)
act ilicit de guvernare wrongful government act (A deed performed by a government official or agent in exercise of police, constitutional, legislative, administrative or judicial powers that infringes upon the rights of another and causes damage, without protecting an equal or superior right)
act juridic juridical act (Acts relating to the administration of justice)
actinidă actinide (A group of 15 radioactive elements some of which occur naturally while others are produced in nuclear reactions. They include plutonium, americium and neptunium. The health hazard presented by the actinides, if they are released into the environment, comes from the potency of their radioactive characteristics. They are alpha-emitters, and therefore can cause intense localized damage in tissues if absorbed into the body)
actiniu actinium (A radioactive element of the actinide series, occurring as a decay product of uranium. It is used as an alpha particle source and in neutron production)
acţiune publică public action (A measure or provision taken on behalf and with the consent of the general populace)
acțiuni de atenuare adecvate la nivel național nationally appropriate mitigation actions
activitate antropică anthropic activity (Action resulting from or influenced by human activity or intervention)
activitate biologică biological activity
activitate comercială trade activity
activitate de afaceri business activity (Any profit-seeking undertaking or venture that involves the production, sale and purchase of goods or services)
activitate de fabricaţie manufacturing activity (Activities connected with the processing of raw material into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation)
activitate economică economic activity (Any effort, work, function or sphere of action pertaining to the production of goods, services or any other resource with exchange value)
activitate industrială industrial activity (Operations, functions and processes involved in industrial production)
activitate instituţională institutional activity (The specific tasks, undertakings or functions that governments, businesses and other organizations perform)
activitate recreativă leisure activity (Sports and recreational activities carried out in the time free from work or other duties)
activitate şcolară schoolwork (The material studied in or for an educational institution, comprising homework and work done in the classroom)
activitate seismică seismic activity (The phenomenon of Earth movements)
activitate socio-educativă socioeducational activity (Instruction or events designed to offer learning or cultural experiences to populations without access to traditional educational institutions due to social or economic barriers)
activitate terestră land-based activity
activități pentru tineret youth work