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Terms for subject Environment (6532 entries)
uragan hurricane (A tropical cyclone of great intensity; any wind reaching a speed of more than 73 miles per hour (117 kilometers per hour) is said to have hurricane force)
uraniu uranium (A metallic element highly toxic and radioactive; used as nuclear fuel)
uraniu îmbogăţit enriched uranium (Uranium whose concentration of uranium-235, which is able to sustain a nuclear chain reaction, is increased by removing uranium-238)
urbanizare urbanization (The state of being or becoming a community with urban characteristics)
urechelniţă earwig (Any of various insects of the order Dermaptera, especially Forficula auricularia, which typically have an elongated body with small leathery forewings, semicircular membranous hindwings, and curved forceps at the tip of the abdomen)
ursidă ursid (A family of mammals in the order Carnivora including the bears and their allies)
uscare drying (The process of partially or totally removing water or other liquids from a solid)
uscare drying out (Removal of water from any substance)
utilitate publică public utility (An enterprise concerned with the provision to the public of essentials, such as electricity or water)
utilizare a apei water utilisation (Three types of water use are distinguished: 1. withdrawal, where water is taken from a river, or surface or underground reservoir, and after use returned to a natural water body, e.g. water used for cooling in industrial processes. Such return flows are particularly important for downstream users in the case of water taken from rivers; 2. consumptive, which starts with withdrawal but in this case without any return, e.g. irrigation, steam escaping into the atmosphere, water contained in final products, i.e. it is no longer available directly for subsequent uses; 3. non-withdrawal, i.e. the in situ use of a water body for navigation (including the floating of logs by the lumber industry), fishing, recreation, effluent disposal and hydroelectric power generation)
utilizare a căldurii reziduale waste heat utilisation (Waste heat applications include space heating and refrigeration in urban areas, thawing of ice-bound seaways, agricultural use to stimulate growth and to extend the growing season and in aquaculture to stimulate the growth of algae, shellfish, and other potential marine food sources)
utilizare a deşeurilor waste use (The incorporation of wastes into natural or artificial cycles, mainly in order to recover secondary raw materials or energy)
utilizare a deşeurilor ca material use of waste as material
utilizare a deşeurilor ca sursă de energie use of waste as energy source
utilizare a energiei energy utilisation (No definition needed)
utilizare a energiei nucleare nuclear energy use (Nuclear energy is employed in the industrial sector, in the production of other energy types, in the medical and scientific research field, in transportation, in the production of nuclear weapons, etc.)
utilizare a gudronului tar use (Any employment or utilization of dark, heavy, viscous substances or residue derived from the distillation of certain organic materials, often to produce benzene, soap, dyes, cosmetics and other products)
utilizare a peisajului landscape utilisation (using landscape or parts of it (i.e. for tourism, sports or agriculture); Using landscape or parts of it for tourism, sports, or agriculture)
utilizare a solului soil use (Functional utilization of soil for agriculture, industry, or residential building purposes)
utilizare a terenului land use (The term land use deals with the spatial aspects of all human activities on the land and with the way in which the land surface is adapted, or could be adapted, to serve human needs)