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Terms for subject Environment (6532 entries)
gaze de fum flue gas (The gaseous combustion product generated by a furnace and often exhausted through a chimney (flue))
gaze industriale industrial fume (Any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matters or substances, especially of an odorous or harmful nature, which result from trading, commercial or manufacturing processes)
gaze reziduale waste gas (Any unusable aeriform fluid, or suspension of fine particles in air, given off by a manufacturing process or the burning of a substance in a enclosed area)
gaze reziduale industriale industrial waste gas (Waste gases resulting from manufacturing and other industrial processes which may be treated and released, treated and reused or released without treatment)
gazificare gasification (1. Any chemical or heat process used to convert a substance to a gas. 2. The production of gaseous fuels by reacting hot carbonaceous materials with air, steam or oxygen. The process takes place at high temperature. The gasification product is a mixture of combustible gases and tar compounds, together with particles and water vapour. Depending on the gasification method, the proportion of components varies, but common to all the processes is that the gas has to be purified before it can be used directly in a gas engine or a gas turbine)
gazificare gasification
gazificarea cărbunelui coal gasification (Process of conversion of coal to a gaseous product which is used as fuel in electric power stations)
gazoduct gas pipeline (A long pipe, especially underground, used to transport gas over long distances)
gazohol gasohol (A mixture of 80% or 90% petrol with 20% or 10% ethyl alcohol, for use as a fuel in internal combustion engines)
genă gene (A unit of heredity composed of DNA occupying a fixed position on a chromosome. A gene may determine a characteristic of an individual by specifying a polypeptide chain that forms a protein or part of a protein (structural gene); or repress such operation (repressor gene))
generare de electricitate electricity generation (The act or process of transforming other forms of energy into electric energy)
generarea deșeurilor waste generation
generator de aburi steam generator (A pressurized system in which water is vaporized to steam by heat transferred from a source of higher temperature, usually the products of combustion from burning fuels. Also known as steam boiler)
genetică genetics (The science that is concerned with the study of biological inheritance)
genetica animalelor animal genetics (The scientific study of the hereditary material of animals for theoretical and practical applications such as increased population, conservation and disease research)
genetica plantelor plant genetics (The scientific study of the hereditary material of plants for purposes such as hybridization, improved food resources and increased production)
genotoxicitate genotoxicity
geodezie geodesy (A subdivision of geophysics which includes determination of the size and shape of the earth, the earth's gravitational field, and the location of points fixed to the earth's crust in an earth-referred coordinate system)
geofizică geophysics (The physics of the earth and its environment, that is, earth, air and space)
geografie geography (The study of the natural features of the earth's surface, comprising topography, climate, soil, vegetation, etc. and man's response to them)