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Terms for subject Environment (6528 entries)
aktyvinta anglis activated carbon (A powdered, granular or pelleted form of amorphous carbon characterized by a very large surface area per unit volume because of an enormous number of fine pores)
aktyvintas dumblas activated sludge (Sludge that has been aerated and subjected to bacterial action; used to speed breakdown of organism matter in raw sewage during secondary waste treatment)
aktyvioji visuomenės dalis active population (The number of people available and eligible for employment within a given enterprise, region or nation)
aktyvus dalyvavimas active participation (The involvement, either by an individual or a group of individuals, in their own governance or other activities, with the purpose of exerting influence)
akumuliacija accumulation
akumuliatorius accumulator (A rechargeable device for storing electrical energy in the form of chemical energy, consisting of one or more separate secondary cells)
akustika acoustics (The science of the production, transmission and effects of sound)
akustinė kokybė acoustical quality (The characteristics of a confined space that determines its ability to enable music and speech to be heard clearly within it)
akustinė savybė acoustic property (The characteristics found within a structure that determine the quality of sound in its relevance to hearing)
akustinis komfortas acoustic comfort
akustinis triukšmas airborne noise (Noise caused by the movement of large volumes of air and the use of high-pressure air)
akvakultūra aquaculture (1. The cultivation and harvest of freshwater or marine animals and plants, in ponds, tanks, cages or on protected beds. This is usually done in inland waters, estuaries or coastal waters. It is estimated that commercial fish farming accounts for more than 10% of the world's fish needs. Fish farming usually concentrates on molluscs, including oysters, mussels and clams, because they are usually immobile and fetch high prices. Shrimps and salmon are also farmed, but the stock have to be caught in the wild first, so that they can be brought up to commercial standards in pens. Aquaculture in not new. In Asia freshwater fish have been farmed for some 4.000 years, usually on small farms. 2. The use of artificial means to increase the production of aquatic organisms in fresh or salt water)
akvedukas aqueduct (A channel for supplying water; often underground, but treated architecturally on high arches when crossing valleys or low ground)
alaus darykla brewery
alaus pramonė brewing industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of beverages made from malt and hops by steeping, boiling and fermentation, such as beer, ale and other related beverages)
alavas tin (A metallic element, occurring in cassiterite, that has several allotropes; the ordinary malleable silvery-white metal slowly changes below 13.2°C to a grey powder. It is used extensively in alloys, especially bronze and pewter, and as a noncorroding coating for steel; element)
alergenas allergen (Any antigen, such as pollen, a drug, or food, that induces an allergic state in humans or animals)
alergija allergy (A condition of abnormal sensitivity in certain individuals to contact with substances such as proteins, pollens, bacteria, and certain foods. This contact may result in exaggerated physiologic responses such as hay fever, asthma, and in severe enough situations, anaphylactic shock)
alfa spinduliuotė alpha radiation (A stream of alpha particles which are ejected from many radioactive substances having a penetrating power of a few cm in air but can be stopped by a thin piece of paper)
algicidas algicide (Any substance or chemical applied to kill or control algal growth)