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Terms for subject Environment (7024 entries)
žemės ūkio biotechnologija agricultural biotechnology
žemės ūkio ekologija agricultural ecology
žemės ūkio ekonomika agricultural economics (An applied social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of agricultural or farming goods and services)
žemės ūkio eksploatacija agricultural exploitation (No definition needed)
žemės ūkio gamybos priemonės means of agricultural production (No definition needed)
žemės ūkio gamybos reguliavimas regulation of agricultural production (A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty pertaining to the cultivation of land, raising crops, or feeding, breeding and raising livestock)
žemės ūkio hidraulika agricultural hydraulics (Science and technology involved in the management of water resources, in the control of erosion and in the removal of unwanted water)
žemės ūkio inžinerija agricultural engineering (A discipline concerned with developing and improving the means for providing food and fiber for mankind's needs)
žemės ūkio ir gyvulininkystės pramonė agriculture and cattle industry (Large scale growing of crops and livestock grazing for profit)
žemės ūkio įranga agricultural equipment (Machines utilized for tillage, planting, cultivation, and harvesting of crops)
žemės ūkio kaina farm price (The amount of money or monetary rate at which agricultural goods and services can be bought or sold)
žemės ūkio katastrofa agricultural disaster (Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment either affecting or caused by land cultivation or the raising of crops or livestock)
žemės ūkio kenkėjas agricultural pest (Insects and mites that damage crops, weeds that compete with field crops for nutrients and water, plants that choke irrigation channels or drainage systems, rodents that eat young plants and grain, and birds that eat seedlings or stored foodstuffs)
žemės ūkio kraštovaizdis agricultural landscape (No definition needed)
žemės ūkio maisto sektorius agri-foodstuff (Industry dealing with the production, processing, and supply of agricultural food products)
žemės ūkio mašinos agricultural machinery (Machines utilized for tillage, planting, cultivation and harvesting of crops. Despite its benefits in increasing yields, mechanisation has clearly had some adverse environmental effects: deep ploughing exposes more soil to wind and water erosion; crop residues can be removed as opposed to ploughing back into the soil; removal of residues can lead to a serious loss of organic content in the soil, which may increase the risk of soil erosion)
žemės ūkio metodas agricultural method (Practices and techniques employed in agriculture to improve yields and productivity. Over the last few decades they have undergone big changes: tilling, sowing and harvesting have become increasingly mechanised, and the methods of applying fertilisers and pesticides have become more sophisticated. Many changes within the agricultural system can be summed up by "intensification". The result and aim of intensification has been to achieve increases in production, yields and labour productivity in agriculture)
žemės ūkio miškininkystė agroforestry (The interplanting of farm crops and trees, especially leguminous species. In semiarid regions and on denuded hillsides, agroforestry helps control erosion and restores soil fertility, as well as supplying valuable food and commodities at the same time)
žemės ūkio nekilnojamasis turtas agricultural real estate (Property of agricultural land and anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, fences, etc.)
žemės ūkio nuotėkis agricultural effluent (Any solid, liquid or gas that enters the environment as a by-product of agricultural activities)