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Terms for subject Environment (6528 entries)
kalandravimas calendering
kalba speech (An address or form of oral communication in which a speaker makes his thoughts and emotions known before an audience, often for a given purpose)
kalcinavimas roasting
kalcio alginatas E404
kalcio alginatas calcium alginate
kalcio druska calcium salt
kalcio kiekis calcium content (Amount of calcium contained in a solution)
kalcis calcium (A malleable silvery-white metallic element of the alkaline hearth group; the fifth most abundant element in the earth crust, occurring especially as forms of calcium carbonate. It is an essential constituent of bones and teeth and is used as a deoxidizer in steel)
kalibravimas calibration (To mark the scale of a measuring instrument so that readings can be made in appropriate units)
kalio cianidas potassium cyanide
kalio karbonatas potash (Any of several compounds containing potassium, especially soluble compounds such as potassium oxide, potassium chloride, and various potassium sulfates, used chiefly in fertilizers)
kalio trąšos potassium fertiliser (A chemical fertilizer containing potassium. Potassium (K) is required by all plant and animal life. Plants require potassium for photosynthesis, osmotic regulation and the activation of enzyme systems)
kalkakmenis limestone (A sedimentary rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate, primarily in the form of the mineral calcite and with or without magnesium carbonate. Limestones are formed by either organic or inorganic processes, and may be detrital, chemical, oolitic, earthy, crystalline, or recrystallized; many are highly fossiliferous and clearly represent ancient shell banks or coral reefs)
kalkės lime (Any of various mineral and industrial forms of calcium oxide differing chiefly in water content and percentage of constituent such as silica, alumina and iron)
kalnai mountain (A feature of the earth's surface that rises high above the base and has generally steep slopes and a relatively small summit area. Mountains are an important source of water, energy, minerals, forest and agricultural products, and recreation. They are storehouses of biological diversity and endangered species and an essential part of the global ecosystem. About 10% of the world's population depend on mountain resources and nearly half of these people are affected by the degradation of mountain watershed areas)
kalnų apsauga mountain protection
kalnų ekosistema mountain ecosystem (Ecosystems found on high-mountains at low latitudes. Mountain ecosystems are very vulnerable. They are increasingly sensitive to soil erosion, landslide and rapid loss of habitat and genetic diversity. Widespread poverty and an increase in the numbers of mountain inhabitants lead to deforestation, cultivation of marginal lands, excessive livestock grazing, loss of biomass cover and other forms of environmental degradation. Because little is known about mountain ecosystems, Agenda 21 has proposed the establishment of a global mountain database. This is essential for the launch of programmes that would contribute to the sustainable development of mountain ecosystems. The proposals also focus on promoting watershed development and alternative employment for people whose livelihoods are linked to practices that degrade mountains)
kalnų grandinė mountain range (A single, large mass consisting of a succession of mountains or narrowly spaced mountain ridges, with or without peaks, closely related in position, direction, formation, and age)
kalnų klimatas mountain climate (Very generally, the climate of relatively high elevations; mountain climates are distinguished by the departure of their characteristics from those of surrounding lowlands, and the one common basis for this distinction is that of atmospheric rarefaction; aside from this, great variety is introduced by differences in latitude, elevation, and exposure to the sun; thus, there exists no single, clearly defined, mountain climate. Also known as highland climate)
kalnų kurortas mountain resort (A place in the mountains where people spend their holidays and enjoy themselves)