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Terms for subject Lighting (other than cinema) (920 entries)
sjømerke mark
skilt sign
skiltlys licence-plate light
skimmer loom (of a light)
skjerm med flytande krystallar (LCD) liquid crystal display
skotopisk syn scotopic vision
sokkel base
spektral spectral
spektral absorptivitet spectral absorptivity (of an absorbing material)
spektral interntransmittans spectral internal transmittance (of a homogeneous non-diffusing layer)
spektral interntransmittanstettleik spectral absorbance (of a homogeneous non-diffusing layer)
spektral lineær dempingskoeffisient spectral linear attenuation coefficient (at a point in an absorbing and diffusing medium, for a collimated beam of radiation)
spektral massedempingskoeffisient spectral mass attenuation coefficient
spektral responsivitet spectral sensivity (of a detector)
spektrale kromatisitetskoordinater spectral chromaticity coordinates
spesialstudioflomlys special studio floodlight
spotbelysning spotlighting
staver rods
Stefan-Boltzmanns lov Stefan-Boltzmann's law
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