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Terms for subject Environment (21638 entries)
sítio degradado derelict site
sítio órfão orphan site
sítio perigoso dangerous site
sítio potencialmente perigoso potentially dangerous site
sítios de construção building site (A piece of land on which a house or other building is being built)
sítios de construção building site
sítios registados registered site (Area which is officially registered because of its unique features; a description is provided concerning its location, size, latitude, longitude, orientation, elevation, boundaries, wildlife, hydrological and soil characteristics, etc.)
sítios registados registered site
situação ambiental state of the environment
situação de crise ecológica situation of ecological crisis
situação de emissões emission situation
situação de incumprimento occurrence of non-compliance
situação dos detritos state of waste
situação económica economic situation (The complex of elements which, in a given period, characterize the condition or state of a country or region's ability to produce goods, services and other resources with exchange value)
situação relativa a emissões emission situation
smog smog (Air pollution consisting of smoke and fog. The air pollution caused by the action of sunlight on unburned hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, mostly from car exhaust. It occurs over large industrial areas and urban complexes, and causes eye irritations, breathing problems and damage to plant life)
smog smog warning (Action, device or announcement that serves to give caution or notice to the level of air pollutants typically associated with oxidants in a given area)
smog (aviso) smog warning
smog fotoquímico photochemical smog
smogue smog