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Terms for subject Environment (21638 entries)
manutenção da paisagem upkeep of the landscape
manutenção da paz peacekeeping (The activities to prevent, contain, moderate and/or terminate the hostilities between or within States, through the medium of an impartial third party intervention, organised and directed internationally. This intervention is conducted using military forces, police and civilians with the consent of the main belligerents, to complement the diplomatic conflict resolution process and, to restore and maintain peace)
manutenção de estradas road maintenance (The care or upkeep of streets, highways and other routes, including improvements in alignment, widening and markings, and work involving buried cables, water mains or gas mains)
manutenção de estradas road maintenance
manutenção do ambiente maintenance of environment (No definition needed)
manutenção do ambiente maintenance of environment
manutenção dos recursos genéticos maintenance of genetic resources
mão-de-obra manpower (1. The power generated by a man working. 2. The number of people available for work, service, etc.)
mão-de-obra migrante migrant labour (Temporary employment performed by persons who move from place to place, such as agricultural workers following crop seasons)
mapa de intensidade de radiação solar solar energy map
mapa de intensidade de radiação solar solar irradiance map
mapa de intensidade de radiação solar solar map
mapa de radiação solar solar energy map
mapa de radiação solar solar irradiance map
mapa de radiação solar solar map
mapa de ruído noise map
mapa diferencial difference map
mapas map (A representation, normally on a flat medium, that displays the physical and political features of a surface area of the earth, showing them in their respective forms, sizes and relationships according to some convention of representation)
mapas map
máquina de tratar os desperdícios waste recovery machine