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Terms for subject Environment (23394 entries)
mangais mangrove (Plant communities and trees that inhabit tidal swamps, muddy silt, and sand banks at the mouths of rivers and other low-lying areas which are regularly inundated by the sea, but which are protected from strong waves and currents. Mangroves are the only woody species that will grow where the land is periodically flooded with sea water; individual species have adapted themselves to different tidal levels, to various degrees of salinity, and to the nature of the mud or soil. Mangrove swamps and thickets support hundreds of terrestrial, marine, and amphibian species; have a special role in supporting estuarine fisheries; provide shelter, refuge and food for many forms of wildlife)
mangais mangrove
mangal mangle
mangal mangrove
manguço de Goudot falanouc
mangue mangle
mangue mangrove
manipulação da reprodução reproductive manipulation (The technology involved in altering in some prescribed way the genetic constitution of an organism. Typically "useful" genes, i.e. very short sequence of DNA, are isolated from one organism and inserted into the DNA of a bacterium of yeast. These microorganisms multiply rapidly and can be cultured easily, enabling large quantities of the gene product to be obtained. Reproductive manipulation has been used for the large-scale production of antibiotics, enzymes, and hormones (e.g. insulin). Organisms into which foreign DNA has been artificially inserted are called "transgenic organisms")
manipulação de reprodução reproductive manipulation
manobras militares damage from military manoeuvres (Injury or harm resulting from the planned movement of armed forces or from the tactical exercises simulating war operations that is carried out for training and evaluation purposes)
manobras militares (danos) damage from military manoeuvres
manómetro de capacitância capacitance manometer
manómetro de tubo em U U-tube manometer
manta bacteriana bacterial coat
Manual da Convenção sobre as metodologias e critérios para cartografar os níveis e cargas críticos e as zonas geográficas onde eles são excedidos Manual on methodologies and criteria for mapping critical levels/loads and geographical areas where they are exceeded
Manual de cooperação no combate à poluição marinha Helcom Combating Manual
Manual de cooperação no combate à poluição marinha Manual on Cooperation in Combating Marine Pollution
manual de gestão ambiental environmental management manual
manual de gestão ambiental quality manual
Manual de intervenção da Helcom Helcom Combating Manual