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Terms for subject Environment (23394 entries)
higienistas hygienist
higienização em circuito fechado clean-in-place
higienização em circuito fechado cleaning-in-place
higroscopicidade hygroscopicity
higrótipo wetland
himenópteros hymenopteran (Insects including bees, wasps, ants, and sawflies, having two pair of membranous wings and an ovipositor specialized for stinging, sawing or piercing)
himenópteros hymenopteran
hiperacidificação dos lagos excessive acidity of lakes
hipertexto hypertext (The organization of information units typically containing visible links that users can select or click with a mouse pointer or some other computer device to automatically retrieve or display other documents)
hipolímnion hypolimnion
hipopótamo anão pygmy hippopotamus
história history (A systematic written account comprising a chronological record of events (as affecting a city, state, nation, institution, science, or art) and usually including a philosophical explanation of the cause and origin of such events)
história do ambiente environmental history (A systematic and chronological account of past events and conditions relating to the ecosystem, its natural resources or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life)
história do ambiente environmental history
homem man (society, A member of the human race)
homepage homepage
homogeneizar homogenise
homologação homologation (The approval given by the judge of certain acts and agreements for the purpose of rendering them more binding and executory)
homologação homologation
homologação e comercialização de produtos fitofarmacêuticos approval and marketing of phytopharmaceutical products