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Terms for subject General (43601 entries)
HEPA Europa European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity
HEPA Europa HEPA Europe
hepatite hepatitis
hepatite tóxica toxic hepatitis
herbicidas herbicides
herbicidas preparations for destroying noxious plants
herbicidas weedkillers
Hercule III Hercule III programme
Hercule III programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the European Union (Hercule III programme)
hermeticidade leakage integrity
híbridos hybrids
hidrastina hydrastine
hidrastinina hydrastinine
hidráulica hydraulics
hidroaviões seaplanes
hidrocarbonetos não convencionais unconventional hydrocarbon
hidrodeslizadores [hidroplanos] hydroplanes
hidrodipsomania hydrodipsomania
hidrómetros hydrometers
hidroperitoneu ascites