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Terms for subject Environment (21638 entries)
colector principal main sewer
colector secundário branch intercepting sewer
colector secundário sub-main
colector solar solar concentrator
colectores solares solar collector (Device which converts the energy from light into electricity. The collector system contains a concentrator and a receiver. The concentrator redirects and focuses sunlight on the receiver by using mirrors or lenses, and the receiver absorbs solar radiation and converts it to heat)
Coletânea de textos da UE sobre a floresta tropical EU Tropical Forestry Sourcebook
coletor drainage tube
coletor com sifão e rede protetora drain fitted with gratings and traps
coletor com sifão e rede protetora drain fitted with traps and gratings
coletor de águas residuais pluviais storm drain
coletor de águas residuais pluviais storm sewer
coletor de águas residuais pluviais storm water discharge
coletor de dois recipientes double bucket collector
coletor de dois vasos double bucket collector
coletor de esgotos sewer
coletor de fluidos leves light fluid separator
coletor de partículas de fumo flue gas particulate collector
coletor húmido wet type collector
coletor pluvial storm drain
coletor pluvial storm sewer