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Terms for subject Environment (23394 entries)
arara-azul-pequena Lear's macaw
arara-Jacinto hyacinth macaw
arara-piranga Scarlet macaw
arara-vermelha Illiger's macaw
ararajuba Queen of Bavaria's conure
ararajuba golden conure
ararajuba golden parakeet
ararinha-azul Spix's macaw
ararinha-azul little blue macaw
araucária-do-chile hardy monkey-puzzle
araucárias monkey puzzle family
arboreto arboretum (Collection of trees from different parts of the world, grown for scientific study)
arboricultura arboriculture (The planting and care of woody plants, especially trees)
arbustos shrub (A woody perennial plant, smaller than a tree, with several major branches arising from near the base of the main stem)
arbustos shrub
área abandonada abandoned site
área classificada classified site
área contaminada contaminated land
área contaminada relacionada com a guerra warfare-related hazardous site
área costeira coastal area