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Terms for subject Environment (23394 entries)
adesivos e vedantes endurecidos hardened adhesives and sealants
adição chemical addition (Chemical reaction in which one or more of the double bonds or triple bonds in an unsaturated compound is converted to a single bond by the addition of other atoms or groups)
adição chemical addition
adição de amoníaco ammoniation
adição de bicloreto de mercúrio utilizado como transportador addition of mercury bichloride employed as a carrier
adição de flúor à água potável fluoridation
adicionalidade emissions reduction additionality
adicionar à gasolina compostos de chumbo alquilo como produtos antidetonantes. adding lead alkyl compounds to petrol as anti-knock devices
aditivos additive (Substances mixed in small quantities with another product to modify its chemical or physical state. Additives are used to make food look visually more attractive, in the case of colouring agents, as well as to preserve and extend the life of the product)
aditivos additive
aditivos alimentares food additive (Substances that have no nutritive value in themselves (or are not being used as nutrients) which are added to food during processing to improve colour, texture, flavour, or keeping qualities)
aditivos alimentares food additive
aditivos de carburantes fuel additive (Substance (such as tetraethyl lead) which is added to petrol to prevent knocking)
aditivos de carburantes fuel additive
aditivos de ligação oil binding agent (Highly absorbent agents used for physically removing spilled oil in case of leakages and oil accidents occurring in water bodies, industry, work-shops, on roads, etc. Materials that have been found useful for this service vary from simple, naturally occurring materials such as straw, sawdust, and peat to synthetic agents, such as polyurethane foam and polystyrene powder)
aditivos de ligação (óleo oil binding agent
aditivos nos carburantes fuel additive
adjuvantes adjuvant
administração administration (The management or direction of the affairs of a public or private office, business or organization)
administração dos recursos hídricos management of water resources