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Terms for subject Microsoft (15846 entries)
elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman 橢圓曲線 Diffie-Hellman
EM DASH 長破折號
em dash 長破折號
email 寄送電子郵件
email 電子郵件
email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the 電子郵件地址
Email Connector 電子郵件連接器
Email Migration 電子郵件移轉
email server 電子郵件伺服器
embed 內嵌
embed code 內嵌程式碼
embedded audio clip 內嵌的音訊剪輯
embedded chart 內嵌圖表
embedded controller 內嵌控制器
embedded controller interface 內嵌控制器
embedded file 內嵌檔案
embedded object 內嵌物件
embedded picture 內嵌圖片
embedded resource 內嵌資源
embedded style sheet 內嵌樣式表