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Terms for subject Environment (5778 entries)
nickel nikal
NIMBY aptitude (aptitude "not in my back yard"; Not In My BackYard: phrase used to describe people who encourage the development of agriculture land for building houses or factories, provided it is not near where they themselves are living) stav "ne u mom dvorištu"
nitrate nitrat
nitrification nitrifikacija
nitrite nitrit
nitro compound dušikov spoj
nitrogen dušik
nitrogen cycle kruženje dušika
nitrogen dioxide dušikov dioksid
nitrogen fixation fiksacija dušika
nitrogen monoxide dušikov monoksid
nitrogen oxide dušikov oksid
nitrogen oxides dušikovi oksidi
nitrogenous fertiliser dušikovo gnojivo
nitrosamine nitrozamin
NOEL akronim za razinu (koncentraciju) neprimijećenog učinka, NOEL
noise buka
noise abatement mjere za smanjenje buke
noise analysis analiza buke
noise barrier barijera za zaštitu od buke