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Terms for subject Environment (5778 entries)
green tide zelena plima
green vegetable zeleno povrće
greenbelt (1. An area of land, not necessarily continuous, near to and sometimes surrounding a large built-up area. The area is kept open by permanent and severe restriction on building. 2. An irrigated, landscaped, and regularly maintained fuelbreak, usually put to some additional use, such as a golf course, park, or playground. 3. A planning designation that mandates the setting aside of otherwise developable lands for the purpose of creating natural or semi-natural open spaces. Greenbelts are usually linear parkways, tracts, or belts of land running through or around urban conurbations. 4. An area or zone of open, semi-rural, low-density land surrounding existing major urban areas, but not necessarily continuous. The zone is to be kept open by permanent and severe restrictions on new development) zeleni pojas
greenhouse cultivation staklenički uzgoj
greenhouse effect staklenički učinak
greenhouse gas staklenički plin
grinding (To reduce to powder or small fragments) mljevenje
grinding drobljenje
gross domestic product bruto domaći proizvod
gross national product bruto nacionalni proizvod
ground-level ozone prizemni ozon
groundwater podzemna voda
groundwater endangering ugrožavanje podzemnih voda
groundwater extraction crpljenje podzemne vode
groundwater pollution onečišćenje podzemnih voda
groundwater protection zaštita podzemnih voda
group behaviour ponašanje skupine
gulf zaljev
gymnosperm golosjemenjače
gypsum sadra