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Terms for subject Environment (5382 entries)
vehicle manufacturing industry industrija motornih vozila
ventilation ventilacija
vermin (Small animals and insects that can be harmful and which are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers) gamad
vermin (Small animals and insects that can be harmful and which are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers) nametnici
vermin štetočine
vertebrate kralješnjak
veterinary medicine (The branch of medical practice which treats of the diseases and injuries of animals) veterinarstvo
veterinary medicine veterina
viaduct vijadukt
vibration vibracija
village selo
vinasse ostaci i nusprodukti melase
virology (The study of submicroscopic organisms known as viruses) virologija
virology virusologija
viscosity viskoznost
viticulture vinogradarstvo
vocabulary rječnik
vocational training strukovna izobrazba
volatile organic compound (Organic compound readily passing off by evaporation) hlapljivi organski spoj
volatile organic compound (Organic compound readily passing off by evaporation) hlapivi organski spoj