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Terms for subject Environment (5382 entries)
gaseous state plinovito stanje
gasification (1. Any chemical or heat process used to convert a substance to a gas. 2. The production of gaseous fuels by reacting hot carbonaceous materials with air, steam or oxygen. The process takes place at high temperature. The gasification product is a mixture of combustible gases and tar compounds, together with particles and water vapour. Depending on the gasification method, the proportion of components varies, but common to all the processes is that the gas has to be purified before it can be used directly in a gas engine or a gas turbine) uplinjavanje
gasohol (A mixture of 80% or 90% petrol with 20% or 10% ethyl alcohol, for use as a fuel in internal combustion engines) smjesa etilnog alkohola i benzina
gasoline engine benzinski motor
gastropod puževi
gaswork plinara
gender issue problematika rodne jednakosti
gene gen
gene bank banka gena
general administrative order opći upravni nalog
general chemistry opća kemija
genetic diversity genska raznovrsnost
genetic effect utjecaj na gene
genetic engineering (1. The complex of techniques for the production of new genes and the alteration of the structure of the chromosomes to produce effects beneficial to man, in agriculture and medicine. 2. The intentional production of new genes and alteration of genomes by the substitution or addition of new genetic material) genetski inženjering
genetic engineering legislation zakonski propisi o genetskom inženjeringu
genetic information genetske informacije
genetic modification genetsko modificiranje
genetic pool genetski pool
genetic resource genetski izvori
genetic variation genetska varijacija