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Terms for subject Environment (5382 entries)
federal authority savezna vlast
federal government savezna vlada
federal law savezni zakon
fee naknada
feeding of animals (The act and effect of supplying animals with food) hranjenje životinja
feeling for nature osjećaj za prirodu
felid mačke
fen močvarno tlo
fermentation fermentacija
fern paprat
fertiliser umjetno gnojivo
fertiliser law zakon o uporabi umjetnih gnojiva
fibre vlakno
fibreglass fiberglas
field polje
field damage šteta na polju
field experiment (Experiment carried out on a substance or on an organism in the open air as opposed to in a laboratory) terenski pokus
field experiment pokus na terenu
field study (Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory) terensko istraživanje
field study terenska studija