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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1221 entries)
Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-ex Repubblika Jugoslava tal-Maċedonja dwar il-faċilitazzjoni tal-ħruġ tal-viża
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Albania on the facilitation of the issuance of visas Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u r-Repubblika ta' l-Albanija dwar il-faċilitazzjoni tal-ħruġ tal-viża
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova on the facilitation of the issuance of visas Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u r-Repubblika tal-Moldova dwar l-iffaċilitar tal-ħruġ ta' viżi
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u r-Repubblika tal-Moldova dwar ir-riammissjoni ta' persuni li jirresjedu mingħajr awtorizzazzjoni
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Montenegro on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u r-Repubblika tal-Montenegro dwar l-ammissjoni mill-ġdid ta' persuni li jirrisjedu mingħajr awtorizzazzjoni
Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Serbia on the facilitation of the issuance of visas Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u r-Repubblika tas-Serbja dwar il-facilitazzjoni tal-hrug tal-viza
Agreement between the European Community and Ukraine on the readmission of persons Ftehim bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-Eks-Repubblika Jugoslava tal-Maċedonja dwar l-ammissjoni mill-ġdid ta' persuni residenti mingħajr awtorizzazzjoni
Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders Ftehim ta' Schengen
Agreement on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation ftehim ta' riammissjoni
airport transit visa viża ta' transitu tal-ajruport
airport transit visa viża għat-transitu fl-ajruport
alert for arrest for surrender or extradition purposes twissija ta' arrest għal finijiet ta' estradizzjoni
alert for arrest for surrender or extradition purposes twissija ta' arrest għall-finijiet ta' konsenja
alert for discreet or specific checks twissija għal kontroll diskret
alert for discreet or specific checks twissija għal kontroll speċifiku
alert for refusal of entry twissija ta' rifjut ta' dħul
alert for the purposes of refusing entry allert għal ċaħda ta' dħul
alien persuna għariba
alien's passport passaport tal-barranin
alternative to detention alternattiva għad-detenzjoni