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Terms for subject Environment (7204 entries)
woodland ecosystem (The interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings in wooded areas or land areas covered with trees and shrubs) ekosistema tal-bosk
woodlark Ċuqlajta
wool (A textile fiber made from raw wool characterized by absorbency, resiliency and insulation) suf
work accident (Accident occurring in the course of the employment and caused by inherent or related factors arising from the operation of materials of one's occupation) inċident fuq ix-xogħol
worked-out open cut (A mine where all the mineral that could be profitably exploited has been removed) minjiera eżawrita
working condition (All existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace, including job hours, physical aspects, legal rights and responsibilities) kondizzjoni tax-xogħol
Working Group on Strategies and Review Grupp ta' Ħidma dwar Strateġiji u Evalwazzjoni
working hours (The time devoted to gainful employment or job-related activities, usually calculated as hours per day or per week) sigħat tax-xogħol
working population engaged in agriculture (The number of a particular region or nation's working population gainfully employed or otherwise occupied with the production of crops, livestock or poultry) popolazzjoni tax-xogħol involuta fl-agrikoltura
working the soil (Ploughing the soil for agricultural purposes) xogħol fil-ħamrija għat-titjib tagħha
workplace (Any or all locations or environments where people are employed) post tax-xogħol
world (The Earth with all its inhabitants and all things upon it) dinja
World Business Council for Sustainable Development Kunsill Dinji tan-Negozji għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli
World Commission on Dams Kummissjoni Dinjija dwar id-Digi
World Conference on Disaster Reduction Konferenza Dinjija dwar it-Tnaqqis tad-Diżastri
World Conservation Union Unjoni Internazzjonali għall-Konservazzjoni tan-Natura u tar-Riżorsi Naturali
World Day for Water Jum Dinji tal-Ilma
world heritage site (Sites of great cultural significance and geographic areas of outstanding universal value. They include the Pyramids of Egypt, the Grand Canyon of United States, the Taj Mahal of India, the Great Wall of China, etc.) wirt dinji
World Resources Institute Istitut Dinji tar-Riżorsi
World Summit on Sustainable Development Summit Dinji dwar l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli