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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (219 entries)
member of the temporary staff persunal temporanju
notice of open competition avviż ta' kompetizzjoni ġenerali
notice of open competition avviż ta' kompetizzjoni miftuħa
notice of vacancy avviż ta' post battal
notification of open competition avviż ta' kompetizzjoni miftuħa
notification of open competition avviż ta' kompetizzjoni ġenerali
occupational accident aċċident waqt ix-xogħol
occupational accident aċċident industrijali
occupational accident aċċident okkupazzjonali
occupational accident aċċident tax-xogħol
occupational accident aċċident waqt attivitajiet okkupazzjonali
official uffiċjal
official on secondment uffiċjal sekondat
official who is not and has never been a national of the State in whose territory he is employed uffiċjal mhux residenti
official who is or has been a national of the State in whose territory the place where he/she is employed is situated uffiċjal residenti
official whose service is terminated uffiċjal li jirtira kmieni taħt arranġamenti speċjali
official whose whereabouts are unknown uffiċjal li mhux magħruf fejn qiegħed
open competition kompetizzjoni ġenerali
open competition kompetizzjoni miftuħa
out-of-work benefits benefiċċju tal-qgħad