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Terms for subject Environment (6716 entries)
United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development Kummissjoni tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar l-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7 Konferenza tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima f'Durban, l-Afrika t'Isfel, COP 17/CMP 7
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7 Is-17-il Konferenza tal-Partijiet għall-Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7 Konferenza ta' Durban
United Nations Environment Programme Programm tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti għall-Ambjent
United Nations Forum on Forests Forum tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar il-Foresti
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil fil-Klima
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC
unleaded petrol (Petrol with a low octane rating, which has no lead additives in it and therefore creates less lead pollution in the atmosphere) petrol bla ċomb
unpolluted soil ħamrija mhux imniġġsa
unreasonable costs kostijiet irraġonevoli
unsupervised image classification (Unsupervised classification is a kind of classification which takes place with minimum input from the operator; no training sample is available and subdivision of the feature space is achieved by identifying natural groupings of the measurement vectors) klassifika mhux sorveljata tal-immaġni
upbringing trobbija
Upper House (The body of a bicameral legislature comprising either representatives of member states in a federation or a select number of individuals from certain privileged estates or social classes) Senat
uranium (A metallic element highly toxic and radioactive; used as nuclear fuel) uranju
urban action program (A planned, coordinated group of activities or services intended for improving urban centers in order to provide healthy and safe living conditions, efficient transport and communication, adequate public facilities and aesthetic surroundings) programm ta' twettieq urbanistiku
urban area (Areas within the legal boundaries of cities and towns; suburban areas developed for residential, industrial or recreational purposes) żona urbana
urban community (Body of people living in a town or city) komunità urbana
urban concentration (A process in which an increasing proportion of a country's population is concentrated in urban areas) konċentrazzjoni urbana
urban decay (Condition where part of a city or town becomes old or dirty or ruined, because businesses and wealthy families have moved away from it) degradazzjoni urbana