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Terms for subject General (4785 entries)
Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Assistenza Teknika u Skambju ta' Informazzjoni
technical know-how know-how
technical malfunction of TARGET2 ħsara teknika tat-TARGET2
technical trialogue trilogu tekniku
Technology Manager Uffiċjal Responsabbli tat-Teknoloġija
telecommuter teleħaddiem
telecommuting xogħol lil hinn mill-post tax-xogħol
teleworker teleħaddiem
teleworking xogħol lil hinn mill-post tax-xogħol
temporary CER CER temporanju
temporary certified emission reduction CER temporanju
temporary storage of waste ħżin temporanju tal-iskart
tender offerta ta' prezzijiet
tender tissottometti offerta
tender bond garanzija tal-offerta
tender guarantee garanzija tal-offerta
tender notice avviż dwar kuntratt
tender offering best value for money l-aktar offerta ekonomikament vantaġġuża
tenderer offerent ta' prezzijiet
tenderer offerent