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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1221 entries)
secondary migrant moviment sekondarju ta’ migranti
secondary movement of asylum seekers and refugees moviment sekondarju ta’ migranti
secondary movement of migrants moviment sekondarju ta’ migranti
secondary movements movimenti sekondarji
sectoral maritime authority awtorità settorjali marittima
Security Group Grupp tas-Sigurtà
security printer stampatur ta' sigurtà
segregation segregazzjoni
segregation twarrib
Select Group of Experts on Forged Documents grupp magħżul ta' esperti dwar dokumenti falsifikati
self copy paper karta awtokopjanti mhux bil-karbonju
self copy paper karta awtokopjanti
self copying paper karta awtokopjanti mhux bil-karbonju
self copying paper karta awtokopjanti
self-employed person persuna taħdem għal rasha
Semi Annual Risk Assessment Valutazzjoni tar-Riskju Semi-Annwali
send an applicant for asylum to a third State applikant għal ażil jintbagħat lejn Stat terz
separated child tifel separata
separated child tifla mifruda
separated child tifla separata