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Terms for subject Environment (6716 entries)
Natura 2000 network Natura 2000
Natura 2000 network netwerk Natura 2000
Natura 2000 network netwerk ekoloġiku Ewropew koerenti
Natural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System Sistema ta' Skambju ta' Informazzjoni dwar id-Diżastri Naturali u Ambjentali
natural area (An area in which natural processes predominate, fluctuations in numbers of organisms are allowed free play and human intervention is minimal) żona naturali
natural area żona naturali
natural area żona fi stat naturali
natural areas protection (Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained) ħarsien taż-żoni naturali
natural balance bilanċ ekoloġiku
natural disaster (Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment without cause from human activity, due to phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, fire and hurricanes) diżastru naturali
natural disaster diżastru naturali
natural disturbance disturb naturali
natural drainage system sistema ta' drenaġġ naturali
natural environment (The complex of atmospheric, geological and biological characteristics found in an area in the absence of artifacts or influences of a well developed technological, human culture) ambjent naturali
natural fertiliser (Organic material added to the soil to supply chemical elements needed for plant nutrition) fertilizzant naturali
natural fibre (A textile fiber of mineral, plant or animal origin) fibra naturali
natural floodplain pjanura mfawra naturali
natural forest (A forest area that has developed free from the influence of humans and remains largely unaffected by their activities. The natural forest may include, but is not necessarily equivalent to, an old-growth forest) foresta naturali
natural gas (A natural fuel containing methane and hydrocarbons that occurs in certain geologic formations) gass naturali
natural gas exploration (Underground prospection conducted with various methods to discover natural gas deposits which are usually found in the immediate vicinity of crude petroleum) esplorazzjoni ta' gass naturali