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Terms for subject Employment (413 entries)
net monthly income introjtu nett fix-xahar
night work xogħol ta' filgħaxija
non-employed diżokkupat
non-employed qiegħed
non-manual work xogħol mhux manwali
non-manual worker ħaddiem mhux manwali
non-permanent employment contract kuntratt temporanju
non-permanent employment contract kuntratt b'terminu fiss
non-permanent employment contract kuntratt ta' impjieg mhux permanenti
non-permanent employment contract kuntratt ta' impjieg temporanju
normal retirement age età normali ta' rtirar
number of persons employed għadd ta' persuni impjegati
occasional work xogħol okkażjonali
occupation of road haulage operator operatur ta' trasport tal-merkanzija bit-triq
occupational group grupp okkupazzjonali
occupational mobility mobilità okkupazzjonali
offers of employment and applications for employment offerti ta' impjieg u applikazzjonjiet għall-impjieg
on-off strike strajk intermittenti
outwork xogħol mid-dar
overtime sahra