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Terms for subject Environment (6716 entries)
cancellation account kont ta' kanċellazzjoni
cancer (Any malignant cellular tumour including carcinoma and sarcoma. It encompasses a group of neoplastic diseases in which there is a transformation of normal body cells into malignant ones, probably involving some change in the genetic material of the cells, possibly as a result of faulty repair of damage to the cell caused by carcinogenic agents or ionizing radiation) kanċer
cancer risk (The probability that exposure to some agent or substance will adversely transform cells to replicate and form a malignant tumor) riskju tal-kanċer
canid (Carnivorous mammal in the superfamily Canoidea, including dogs and their allies) kanidi
canyon (A long deep, relatively narrow steep-sided valley confined between lofty and precipitous walls in a plateau or mountainous area, often with a stream at the bottom; similar to, but largest than, a gorge. It is characteristic of an arid or semiarid area (such as western U.S) where stream downcutting greatly exceeds weathering) tip ta' wied wiesa' li ġeneralment jinstab fil-muntanji
cap and trade sistema ta' limitu u skambju
cap and trade sistema "cap and trade"
cap-and-trade system sistema "cap and trade"
cap-and-trade system sistema ta' limitu u skambju
capercaillie Serduq Selvaġġ
car (A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for land transport, usually propelled by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine) karozza
car park (Area of ground or a building where there is space for vehicles to be parked) parkeġġ għall-karrozzi
car tyre (A rubber ring placed over the rim of a wheel of a road vehicle to provide traction and reduce road shocks, especially a hollow inflated ring consisting of a reinforced outer casing enclosing an inner tube) tajer ta' vettura
carbide karbur
carbohydrate (Any of the group of organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, including sugars, starches and celluloses) karboidrat
carbon (A nonmetallic element existing in the three crystalline forms: graphite, diamond and buckminsterfullerene: occurring in carbon dioxide, coal, oil and all organic compounds) karbonju
carbon credit kreditu tat-tnaqqis ta' emissjonijiet tal-karbonju
carbon credit kreditu ta' karbonju
carbon cycle (The cycle of carbon in the biosphere, in which plants convert carbon dioxide to organic compounds that are consumed by plants and animals, and the carbon is returned to the biosphere in inorganic form by processes of respiration and decay) ċiklu tal-karbonju
carbon dioxide (A colourless gas with a faint tingling smell and taste. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the source of carbon for plants. As carbon dioxide is heavier than air and does not support combustion, it is used in fire extinguishers. It is a normal constituent of the atmosphere, relatively innocuous in itself but playing an important role in the greenhouse effect. It is produced during the combustion of fossil fuels when the carbon content of the fuels reacts with the oxygen during combustion. It is also produced when living organisms respire. It is essential for plant nutrition and in the ocean phytoplankton is capable of absorbing and releasing large quantities of the gas, CO2) diossidu tal-karbonju