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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (219 entries)
daily subsistence allowance kumpens għas-sussistenza għal kull jum
daily subsistence allowance per diem
daily subsistence allowance gratifika għal kull jum
daily subsistence allowance gratifika għas-sussistenza għal kull jum
daily subsistence allowance gratifika per diem
Director-General Direttur Ġenerali
Disciplinary Board Bord tad-Dixxiplina
dismiss the probationer jitkeċċa l-impjegat taħt prova
documentalist dokumentalist
duty to behave with integrity and discretion dmir li jġib ruħu b'integrità u diskrezzjoni
economic expert espert ekonomiku
economist ekonomist
established official uffiċjal stabbilit
established post postijiet għal xogħol permanenti
establishment plan tabella tal-persunal
EU diplomatic service Servizz Ewropew għall-Azzjoni Esterna
EU diplomatic service SEAE
European External Action Service SEAE
European External Action Service Servizz Ewropew għall-Azzjoni Esterna
filing clerk arkivista