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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
high-speed railway (The term "high-speed traffic" encompasses all trains running at speeds over 200 km/h but also trains running at 200 km/h if the terrain, population density or economic reasons do not justify higher speeds) abiadura handiko trenbide
high-speed train (Trains travelling at maximum speeds of 300kmh on special high-speed rail lines) abiadura handiko tren
high-speed train (Trains travelling at maximum speeds of 300kmh on special high-speed rail lines) AHT
higher education (Study beyond secondary school at an institution that offers programs terminating in undergraduate and graduate degrees) bigarren hezkuntza
highland ecosystem (The interacting systems of the biological communities and their non-living surroundings in regions of relatively high elevation, typically characterized by decreased air pressure and temperature, reduced oxygen availability and increased isolation) goi-lautadako ekosistema
highway (A public road especially an important road that joins cities or towns together) errepide nagusi
hiking trail (A trail in the country along which one can walk, usually for pleasure or exercise) mendi-bide
hill (A natural elevation of the land surface, rising rather prominently above the surrounding land, usually of limited extent and having a well-defined outline, rounded rather than peaked or rugged, with no specific definition of absolute elevation) mendixka
historic centre (That part of a town or city in which the principal public and historic buildings are located) hirigune historiko
historical evolution (The process by which small but cumulative changes in the learned, nonrandom, systematic behavior and knowledge of a people occur from generation to generation) eboluzio historiko
historical monument (Monument built in memory of an historical event) monumentu historiko
historical research (The study of events in relation to their development over time) ikerketa historiko
historical research (The study of events in relation to their development over time) historia ikerketa
historical site (Place where significant historical events occurred and which is important to an indigenous culture or a community) leku historiko
history (A systematic written account comprising a chronological record of events (as affecting a city, state, nation, institution, science, or art) and usually including a philosophical explanation of the cause and origin of such events) historia
holiday (1. A period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel or recreation 2. A day on which work is suspended by law or custom, such as a religious festival, bank holiday, etc.) opor-garai
holiday camp (A place providing accommodation, recreational facilities, etc. for holiday-makers) opor-gune
home garden (A plot of cultivated ground adjacent to a dwelling and usually devoted in whole or in part to the growing of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables for household use) etxeko baratz
homepage (The preset document that is displayed after starting a World Wide Web browser, or the main World Wide Web document in a series of related documents) etxeko orrialde
homologation (The approval given by the judge of certain acts and agreements for the purpose of rendering them more binding and executory) homologazio