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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
boundary crossing (Crossing of a state border) muga-gainditze
boundary layer (The layer of fluid adjacent to a physical boundary in which the fluid motion is significantly affected by the boundary and has a mean velocity less than the free stream value) muga-geruza
bovid (Any animal belonging to the Bovidae family) bobido
bovine abelgorri
brackish water (Water, salty between the concentrations of fresh water and sea water; usually 5-10 parts x thousand) ur gazikara
bradyseism (A long-continued, extremely slow vertical instability of the crust, as in the volcanic district west of Naples, Italy, where the Phlegraean bradyseism has involved up-and-down movements between 6 m below sea level and 6 m above over a period of more than 2.000 years) bradiseismo
branch of activity (A specialized division of a business or other organization) jarduera-alor
breast milk (Milk from the breast for feeding babies) ama-esne
breeding (The application of genetic principles to the improvement of farm animals and cultivated plants) hazkuntza
breeding bird (The individuals in a bird population that are involved in reproduction during a particular period in a given place) hegazti habiagile
breeding technique (Term referring to the systems employed in animal rearing (extensive and intensive)) hazkuntza-teknika
brewing industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of beverages made from malt and hops by steeping, boiling and fermentation, such as beer, ale and other related beverages) garagardogintza
brick (A building material usually made from clay, molded as a rectangular block, and baked or burned in a kiln) adreilu
bridge (A structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle) zubi
broad-leaved tree (Deciduous tree which has wide leaves, as opposed to the needles on conifers) hosto zabaleko zuhaitz
bromine (A pungent dark red volatile liquid element of the halogen series that occurs in brine and is used in the production of chemicals) bromo
brooding (To incubate eggs or cover the young for warmth) txitatze
brooding (To incubate eggs or cover the young for warmth) inkubatze
brook (A small stream or rivulet, commonly swiftly flowing in rugged terrain, of lesser length and volume than a creek; especially a stream that issues directly from the ground, as from a spring or seep, or that is produced by heavy rainfall or melting snow) lats
brushwood (Woody vegetation including shrubs and scrub trees of non-commercial height and form, often seen in the initial stages of succession following a disturbance. Brush often grows in very dense thickets that are impenetrable to wild animals and serve to suppress the growth of more desirable crop trees. However, brush can also serve an important function as desirable habitat for a range or bird, animal, and invertebrate species, and often provides a good source of browse and cover for larger wildlife. It adds structural diversity within the forest and is important in riparian zones. It is also termed scrub) sastraka