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Terms for subject Statistics (99 entries)
p* formula p * formula
partition of χ² chi karratu partizioa
partition of χ² χ ² partizioa
point estimation puntuzko estimazio
Pólya frequency function of order two Pólya maiztasuna ordena bi funtzio
Pólya process Pólya prozesua
Pólya's distribution Pólya-ren banaketa
Pólya's theorem Pólya-ren teorema
Pólya-Aeppli distribution Pólya-Aeppli-ren banaketa
Pólya-Eggenburger distribution Pólya-Eggenburger-ren banaketa
power efficiency erlatiboa eraginkortasuna
price index prezioen indize
probability surface probabilitate azalera
Reed-Münch method Reed-Münch-ren metodo
regression surface erregresio azalera
response surface erantzun-azal
response surface designs erantzun azalera diseinuak
Scheffé's test Scheffé-ren test
Spearman-Kärber estimator Spearman-Kärber-ren metodo
stable process prozesu estokastiko