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Terms for subject General (8582 entries)
Board of Appeal komisija za pritožbe
Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency komisija za pritožbe
Board of Governors svet guvernerjev EIB
Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank svet guvernerjev EIB
Board of Trustees kuratorij
bodies designated pristojni organi
bodies involved vključeni organi
body packer mula
body packer oseba, ki drogo tihotapi v svojem telesu
body stuffer oseba, ki drogo tihotapi v svojem telesu
body stuffer mula
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Venezuela
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba otoki BES
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire, Sint Eustatius in Saba
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba nizozemski Karibi
booked knjižen
bookkeeping vodenje poslovnih knjig
border management upravljanje meja
borrowing izposojanje
both during and after their term of office tako med in po izteku svojega mandata