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Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (576 entries)
soft urban renewal održiva obnova grada
solar power solarna energija
special appellate authorities posebni organi za podnošenje žalbi
Special Assignments zaposleni u javnoj službi sa posebnim zadacima
special bodies not subject to directions posebni nezavisni organi
special payments posebne naknade
special protection posebna zaštita
spouse or parent who has taken up residence in Austria and is subsequently joined by other family member stranac kojem se pridružuju članovi porodice
staircase stepenište/ulaz u zgradu
staircase meeting zbor stanara jednog ulaza
stateless osoba bez državljanstva
Statement by the Labour Market Service acc. to Art. 2 (4) of the Employment of Foreign Nationals Act rješenje Zavoda za zapošljavanje
statement of accounts obračun/račun
statement of operating costs obračun režijskih troškova
statutory interest groups zakonsko zastupništvo interesa
street cafe bašta restorana
subsidiary protection status osoba s boravkom na osnovu zaštite od deportacije u zemlju porijekla
subsidised housing construction subvencionirana stanogradnja
subsidised housing rehabilitation subvencionirana sanacija
subsidy for further training and professional development measures granted by the Vienna Employee Promotion Fund (WAFF) Konto za daljnje obrazovanje