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Terms for subject Austrian (usage) (203 entries)
resident of a municipal housing estate stanar zgrade u općinskom vlasništvu
revitalisation revitalizacija
right to freedom of movement (within the EU) pravo na nastanjenje u Austriji za državljane zemalja EEP-a
right to freedom of movement (within the EU) EGP-a sloboda kretanja
secondary school (lower and upper level) opća gimnazija
self-employed person under the EE A Trade Association Agreement samostalni preduzetnik u smislu Evopskog sporazuma
self-employment samostalna privređivačka djelatnost
service centres of Municipal Department 10 - Vienna Children’s Day Care Centres Servisna služba bečkih dječijih vrtića
settlement obračun
settlement račun
shift work rad u smjenama
shift work smjenski rad
staircase stepenište
staircase ulaz u zgradu
staircase meeting razgovori među stanarima jednog ulaza
statement by the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) confirming that the intended employment is in accordance with the Europe Agreement mišljenje Zavoda za zapošljavanje
statement of accounts obračun
statement of accounts račun
subject to the general immigration quota fixed by the federal government (i.e. permission depends on availability of a quota place) podliježe kvotama
subtenant podstanara