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Terms for subject Microsoft (3918 entries)
effective djelotvoran
efficiency bonus nagradni bonus
Efficient File Storage Efikasna pohrana fajla
Elapsed Prošlo
electrical sensor električni senzor
Electronic Business Card Elektronska poslovna kartica
electronic mail elektronska pošta
elevated command prompt komandni red sa punim privilegijama
em space dugi razmak
email poslati e-poštu
email poslati email
email e-pošta
email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by the adresa e-pošte
email message poruka e-pošte
embed ugraditi
embed code kôd za ugradnju
embedded audio clip uključeni zvučni zapis
embedded chart uloženi grafikon
embedded object ugrađeni objekt
embedded picture uložena slika