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Terms for subject Fish farming (pisciculture) (363 entries)
fisheries rybolov
fisheries rybárstvo
fisheries area rybárska oblasť
fisheries management riadenie rybárstva
Fisheries Monitoring Centre stredisko monitorovania rybolovu
fisheries organisation rybárska organizácia
fisheries partnership agreement dohoda o partnerstve v odvetví rybárstva
fisheries partnership agreement dohoda o partnerstve v sektore rybolovu
Fisheries partnership agreement between the Gabonese Republic and the European Community Dohoda o partnerstve v sektore rybolovu medzi Gabonskou republikou a Európskym spoločenstvom
fisheries resources zdroje rybného hospodárstva
fisheries resources rybolovné zdroje
fishery rybárstvo
fishery rybolov
Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic CECAF
Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Výbor pre rybolov v stredovýchodnom Atlantiku
Fishery Monitoring Centre stredisko monitorovania rybolovu
fishery resources rybolovné zdroje
fishing activities rybolovné činnosti
fishing aggregating devices zariadenia na zhlukovanie rýb
fishing authorisation oprávnenie na rybolov