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Terms for subject Environment (5582 entries)
common agricultural policy (The set of regulations and practices adopted by member countries of the European Community that consolidates efforts in promoting or ensuring reasonable pricing, fair standards of living, stable markets, increased farm productivity and methods for dealing with food supply or surplus) política agrícola comuna
common commercial policy (The set of uniform trade principles or practices established by an European Community customs union, which implements common tariff rates, tariff and trade agreements with non-member countries, import and export policies, and export promotion) política comercial comuna
common tariff policy (A course of action adopted and pursued by member countries, in which it is agreed to impose a system of duties or tax charges on imports from non-member countries) política aranzelària comuna
communications (The concept, science, technique and process of transmitting, receiving or otherwise exchanging information and data) comunicacions
communications industry indústria de la comunicació
communications policy (Measures and practices adopted by governments relating to the management of communication media) política de comunicació
communications system (A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources designed to exchange information and data by means of mutually understood symbols) sistema de comunicació
Community act acte comunitari
Community budget (A schedule of revenues and expenditures for a specific time period that is devised by the European Community, a body of people organized into a political unity) pressupost comunitari
community facility (Buildings, equipment and services provided for a community) equipament col·lectiu
Community finance (The financial resources or income of the European Community, a body of people organized into a political unity) finances comunitàries
Community law (The law of European Community (as opposed to the national laws of the member states) It consists of the treaties establishing the EC (together with subsequent amending treaties) community legislation, and decisions of the court of justice of the European Communities. Any provision of the treaties or of community legislation that is directly applicable or directly effective in a member state forms part of the law of that state and prevails over its national law in the event of any inconsistency between the two) dret comunitari
Community legal system (The directly applicable legislation of the European Community regulating the relations of member states) ordre jurídic comunitari
community participation (Involvement in public or private actions, as members or as a member of a particular ethnic, political or social group, with the purpose of exerting influence) participació comunitària
Community ruling decisió comunitària
community-pays principle (A tenet of environmental policy, according to which the costs of ecological challenges, environmental quality improvements and the removal of environmental hazards are allotted to community groups or local corporations and, thereby, to the general public) principi de pagament comunitari
commuter traffic (Traffic caused by people travelling regularly over some distance, as between a suburb and a city and back, between their place of residence and their place of work) trànsit diari
commuting intercanviador
compaction (Reduction of the bulk of solid waste by rolling and tamping) compactació
company policy (Official guidelines or set of guidelines adopted by a company for the management of its activity) política d'empresa