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Terms for subject Microsoft (3874 entries)
tap and hold tocar uns segons
Tap and Hold Toc sostingut
Tap and Send Toca i envia
tap gesture gest de toc
tap to expand toca per expandir
tap to merge toca per combinar
tap to open toca per obrir
tap to pair toca per acoblar
tap to swap toca per intercanviar
tap two fingers tocar amb dos dits
tap+send toca+envia
target objectiu
target device dispositiu de destinació
target PC ordinador de destinació
tarpitting (The practice of artificially delaying server responses for specific SMTP communication patterns that indicate high volumes of spam or other unwelcome e-mail messages. The intent is to slow down the communication process for such e-mail traffic so that the cost of sending spam increases for the person or organization who is sending the e-mail) fre de correu brossa
tarpitting interval interval del fre de correu brossa
task tasca
task form formulari de tasca
task input panel tauler d'entrada de tasques
task pane subfinestra de tasques