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Terms for subject International Monetary Fund (14632 entries)
strengthened cooperative strategy estrategia de cooperación intensificada
strengthened cooperative strategy enfoque de cooperación reforzada
strengthened cooperative strategy estrategia de cooperación reforzada
strengthened cooperative strategy estrategia de cooperación reforzada frente a los atrasos en los
strengthened cooperative strategy pagos
strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears estrategia de cooperación intensificada
strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears enfoque de cooperación reforzada
strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears estrategia de cooperación reforzada
strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears estrategia de cooperación reforzada frente a los atrasos en los
strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears pagos
strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations estrategia de cooperación intensificada
strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations enfoque de cooperación reforzada
strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations estrategia de cooperación reforzada
strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations estrategia de cooperación reforzada frente a los atrasos en los
strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations pagos
strengthened debt strategy estrategia reforzada ante la deuda
strengthening of ownership mayor identificación de los países con los programas
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats análisis FODA
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats análisis de fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas
stress test (Debt Guide, 1993, FSIG) prueba de esfuerzo