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Terms for subject Environment (23231 entries)
sleep (A periodic state of physiological rest during which consciousness is suspended and metabolic rate is decreased) sueño
sleep sueño
sleep disturbance alteración del sueño
sleet granizo
slick película superficial
slope (The inclined surface of any part of the Earth's surface, as a hillslope; also, a broad part of a continent descending toward an ocean, as the Pacific slope) taludes
slope class clase de pendiente
slope gradient pendiente
slope gradient inclinación
sloth bear oso bezudo
sloths perezosos
slow sand filter filtro lento de arena
slow sand filtration filtración lenta a través de arena
sludge (1. A soft, soupy, or muddy bottom deposit, such as found on tideland or in a stream bed. 2. A semifluid, slushy, murky mass of sediment resulting from treatment of water, sewage, or industrial and mining wastes, and often appearing as local bottom deposits in polluted bodies of water) barro
sludge lodo de depuradora
sludge aguas turbias
sludge fangos
sludge lodos
sludge barro
sludge age edad de los lodos