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Terms for subject Environment (23231 entries)
Rhodope montes Ródope
Rhodope Mountains montes Ródope
Rhodope Potentilla fruticosa thickets monte bajo de Potentilla fruticosa de Ródope
Rhodopide Scots pine forest pinar de pinos albares de los Ródope
rice (An erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished) arroz
rice cultivation cultivo del arroz
riddling unit rascador mecánico
ridge height of the weir altura de la cresta del vertedero
ridge-and-furrow irrigation riego por surcos
right of access derecho de acceso
right of property (The legal guarantee or just claim inhering in a citizen's relation to some physical thing, but especially a plot of land, including the right to possess, use and dispose of it) derecho de propiedad
right to compensation (A legally enforceable claim for payment or reimbursement to pay for damages, loss or injury, or for remuneration to pay for services rendered, whether in fees, commissions or salary) derecho a la compensación
right to compensation derecho a la compensación
right to information (The individual's right to know in general about the existence of data banks, the right to be informed on request and the general right to a print-out of the information registered and to know the actual use made of the information) derecho a la información
right whales balénidos
rights (1. Title to or an interest in any property. 2. Any interest or privilege recognized and protected by law) derechos
rights derechos
rights of future generations (The moral, legal or ethical claims of posterity on present people, based on the recognition that the young and unborn are vulnerable to contemporary decision-making, especially decisions having long-term effect on the societies and environment they inherit) derechos de generaciones futuras
rights of future generations derechos de generaciones futuras
rights of nature (A rule or body of rules that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human society, as opposed to human-made laws such as legislative acts and judicial decisions) derecho sobre naturaleza